Awards and Recognition

Bestowed by State and National Grange

Recognize Individuals.

Recognize Your Grange.


 How to use the Resources


‘info’ denotes a flyer, text, brochure or other information

‘form’ indicates an editable PDF, If not editable, that is indicated, and if it is a brochure or other image based item containing a form, it will state “plus info” (and is not editable).
You may print the form and complete manually, or complete online and then print. In either case, the completed form must be mailed to the Oregon State Grange Office. 

‘webpage’ denotes a page with additional information or forms.

Oregon State Grange Awards and Recognition

Community Grange


1+ Junior Grange

Oregon State Grange Awards, Contests and Scholarships book
(Selected, smaller sections of Book)
Community Service Section info
GWA Section info
Lecturer Section info
Legislative section info
Youth Section info
Contains info and forms for a wide variety of awards and contests for individuals and Granges at State and National levels

Honor Grange Cover and Recap form plus info
Honor Grange Tracking form

Community/Pomona Grange Distinguished Youth Program form
This PDF is not enterable, you must print and mail to National Grange.




Oregon State Grange Awards, Contests and Scholarships book
Contains info and forms for a wide variety of awards and contests for individuals and Granges at State and National level

Agriculturist of the Year Nomination form

Community Service Volunteer of the Year Nomination  form
Firefighter/Law Enforcement Officer/Teacher of the Year Nomination  form

Youth Booster Award Nomination form

Oregon Teenager Award Application form


Oregon State Grange Awards, Contests and Scholarships Junior Section info
Contains info and forms for a variety of awards and contests for 1+ Junior Grange members at State and National level

National Grange Awards and Recognition

Community Grange


1+ Junior Grange

Grange Hall Recognition Application 100-, 125- and 150-year form 

National Distinguished Grange Application form and info can be found on this webpage


Printable Member Recognition Awards form
Recognition for 5-, 10-, 15- and 20-years of consecutive membership. 

Silver Certificate and Seals order form 
Recognition for 25-,30-,35-,40-,45-years.

Membership Recognition form
Certification of eligibility for Golden Sheaf, Diamond Certificate and Special Letter for 50-, 75-, 80- and 85- years.

Grange Legacy Family Application form  

National Grange Youth webpage
See both the Youth Programs and the Contest&Awards tabs for information.

National Grange Youth Downloads webpage 
Many Applications available for download. 





National Junior Grange webpage
See the Contests tab for Junior Youth Mentor and Cape of Honor Awards.

Junior Grange Merit Badge Program webpage
Now unsupported.