
Tomorrows leaders – today.

Anyone 14 or older may become a full-fledged
member. Members between the age of 14-35
are deignated Youth/Young Adult members. 

The Youth committee works with the Young members (ages 14-31) of the Oregon State Grange. There are State Youth Officers and state and regional conferences, competitions and gatherings.  


Amanda Puls

District 1


District 2

Lexie Suing

District 3


District 4

Grace Hays
Breanna Hays-McKay

District 5

Nicole Shattuck

The Annual Oregon State Youth Grange Session is June 19-24, in Talent, Oregon.

The Western Youth Regional is in Oregon – August 5-7.

The Oregon Youth Keeping Oregon Warm Program will be collecting donations at the State Convention.

Please see the OSG Awards book Youth section below for information on State and National Grange contests. 

Please see the OSG Awards book Scholarship section below for scholarship opportunities.

Please see below for information on organizing a County Youth Program. 

The National Youth Grange website has many resources for contests& awards, events, forms, programs and more.  

Join the Grange

The youth program is for teenagers, young adults and young couples aged 14 to 35 years.

Not yet a member?

Print the Youth brochure at the bottom of the page.

Fill out the application on the back.

If you don’t know the closest Grange to you, click {Find a Grange}, locate the county you live in, and check the addresses of the Granges.
Give the application, initiation fee ($5), and dues through the end of the current calendar year to a Grange member or send it to the Grange’s mailing address. Most Granges do not receive mail at their hall. On the Find a Grange page, note the Grange’s mailing address. If you aren’t sure which Grange is closest to you, you can mail the application to the Oregon State Grange and your application will be sent for you.

Oregon State Grange
643 Union Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301



“The youth is the hope of our future.” 

Jose Rizal

OSG Award, Contests and Scholarship Book Youth section info Scholarship section info

Organizing a County Youth Program info

Oregon Youth Grange application form
You must print this form and complete it.   

Oregon State Youth Grange Officer Application form

Youth Booster Award Nomination form

Oregon Teenager Award Application form