How may we help you?
The Oregon State Grange seeks to assist our Community Granges and members. Our assistance includes training, funding, information on how to safely use and rent your Grange Hall, publicity and more. Your State Grange portion of your dues is used to assist ALL Community Granges.
The Oregon State Grange Office contact information
is listed at the bottom of every page. Please call
if you have questions about all Grange matters
other than this website.
How to use the Resources
‘info’ denotes a flyer, text, brochure or other information
‘form’ indicates an editable PDF, If not editable, that is indicated, and if it is a brochure or other image based item containing a form, it will state “plus info” (and is not editable)
‘webpage’ denotes a page with additional information or forms.
Double click an image to open the larger version. Left click and select “Save Image As…” to download logos and graphical resources.

Hot Off the Press!
Updated PDF editable PDF forms – Supply Orders, Roster updates and more.
State Grange Cookbook order form.
National Grange resources are linked to on the National Grange page. This ensures you can locate the most up-to-date version of resources. NOTE: many National Grange resources require an account to access the Members Only Page.
2020 Bond Coverage Rates Community info Pomona info
At the national and state level, the Grange actively lobbies for causes in accord with organizational policy. All policy within the Grange originates at the local level. Thus the organization remains as one of America’s best examples of democratic, grass-roots activism.
We need money!
We need members!
A common refrain. There is no easy answer, each Grange is as unique as its own community and what works for one Community Grange may flop at another.
Growing Granges share some traits. They are welcoming. They serve their community. They respect their neighbors. They are active.
We also have some things to help you recruit members and publicize your events. See our PR page.
You may always contact the State Grange Office for assistance. The contact information is on the bottom of each page as well as the Oregon State Grange page.