USE Find-A-Grange web page to inquire about rentals from a specific Grange! This page is maintained by the State Grange and can not rent Halls.
TO SUBMIT A GRANGE EVENT: Email with title, time, date, location, contact person info, and indication of this being a Pomona or a Community Grange event and optionally a jpeg flyer (PDF will not work). Please report any non functional emails or phone numbers to this email address
BUELL SUNDAY MARKETPLACE ARTISANS – FARMERS – VENDORS FOOD – FUN – FRIENDLINESS EVERYONE IS WELCOME COME CHECK IT OUT! – Each Sunday 11:30 – 5:30 – May 19th through October 20th – Buell Grange Hall 5970 Mill Cr. Rd. Sheridan, Oregon, just off Hwy 22 Stop by on your way to the coast or […]
Bring your instruments and your dancin' shoes!