Learn About The Grange
Created to Heal a Nation.
The Patrons of Husbandry, or the Grange, was founded after the Civil War, in 1867, to help heal the wounds of a rural America bloodied in heart and soul. In this age of bitter partisanship, that healing is just as needed today. With a rich history rooted in agriculture. the Grange has transitioned to serve the needs of rural Americans in the twenty-first century. Come discover why you might consider joining and how to do so, what types of memberships are available and find a Community Grange near you.
Why Join?
Anyone 14 years or older who wants to network within the local community, participate in service projects, vote at Grange meetings to influence Grange policy, and develop personal leadership skills is welcome to join the Grange. Grange Insurance has not been a membership benefit for many years, but the National Grange offers a long list of membership benefits and some Community Granges provide additional member benefits. But most who join the Grange do so because of a desire to improve their community, build stronger bonds with community members and to have fun.

How to Join
Individual Membership
The most common form of membership, for a single person. Open to those 14 and older, it allows you to vote at Grange meetings, entitles you to membership benefits and a subscription to the Oregon State Grange Bulletin.
Family Membership
Any family consisting of a one or more adults and their children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren between the ages of 14 and 23 who live in the same household or are absent due to illness, education or military service.
Foster, adopted, stepchildren, and other legal dependents are considered part of a legal guardians’ family.
Children ages five through fourteen are eligible to belong to a Junior Grange.
The National Grange offers a long list of membership benefits.
Families will receive a subscription to the Oregon State Grange Bulletin.
- Print the membership brochure
- Fill out the application on the back
- If you don’t know the closest grange to you, click Find-A-Grange, click the county you live in and check the address of the Granges.
- Give the application fee and dues through the end of the current calendar year to a Grange Member. Each Grange sets its own dues amount.
- Acceptance??
“We desire a proper equality, and fairness; protection for the weak; restraint upon the strong; in short, justly distributed power. These are American ideals, the very essence of American independence, and to advocate the contrary is unworthy of the sons and daughters of our Republic.”
National Grange Declaration of Principles.
Find A Grange
Our new tool has a zoomable map of Oregon with all Community Granges displayed. When you hover over a Community Grange, the name and meeting time are displayed. You can click on a Grange and get the address (and directions, if needed), rental phone number, contact for Grange matters and website, if one exists. It’s easy to see Granges anywhere in the state.
If there is not a Grange near you, don’t despair. You can contact the Oregon State Grange to receive help in reorganizing a dormant Grange or starting a new one in your area. We also offer E-Memberships; see the membership page.