Find A Grange
Locate a Grange near you.
Use the map of Oregon to see Granges in each county.
Find Addresses, see Halls and meeting times.
Find out what your options are if there is not a nearby Community Grange.
No Grange nearby?
If you cannot find a local Community Grange, do not give up, you have options. Some Granges are dormant (closed, due to lack of members) but can be re-organized, and the Hall used again. Even if a Grange did not exist previously, you can start a new one. All Granges were started by people like you! If you would like to undertake the challenge of re-organizing dormant or starting a new Grange, contact the Oregon State Grange – we would love to assist you!
There is also a special type of membership available for those who can not locate, re-organize or start a Grange. See the E-membership option on the Memberships page.
Oregon Community Granges
Hover over a marker to see which Grange it is, when they meet and a small thumbnail photo of the Hall.
Click on a Grange to see contact information for rentals, mailing address, plus website and Facebook page if that Grange maintains one. You may also see upcoming events at the Hall, if info has been provided to the State Grange.
You can use the map to get directions to the Hall.
Renters: Please use the Rental contact phone number for potential rental inquiries. Please report any bad numbers or emails to
Hovering over a county will display the county name.
Use left click to drag map on a PC. Use +/- in lower left to Zoom in/out.