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The schedule, forms and policies of the newsletter
of the Oregon State Grange. 



The Oregon State Grange Bulletin is the newsletter of the Oregon State Grange. It is published every other month, beginning in February. There is a special election issue in March every even numbered year.

Every household of a Grange member family receives a subscription when joining. If you have not been receiving your copy, please complete the change of address for listed below. There are also forms for submitting a story as well as an In Memoriam notification of a member passing.

You can read issues of the Bulletin online here.

 Submit a Story

The Bulletin’s content consists of articles submitted by our standing committee Directors, state officers, and Subordinate/Community Grange members.

Send the Bulletin Editor the who, what, when, where, why, and goal of your event or the outcome for an event that has already occurred. Quotes from individuals are always welcomed. Please include your contact information so that the Editor can follow-up to get answers to questions.

If you are not a writer, fill out this form so that the Editor can write an article for you.

Consider whether your event will be appropriate for the publication date. For example, if you are planning a February 10th event, the February issue may not reach readers in time. Your article needs to be in the December/January issue, which means it needs to be submitted by November 10th. If that’s not possible, or in addition, send your info to the Webmaster to include on our Event Calendar.

Please send pictures with captions, listing names of those in the photo from left to right. Use the maximum resolution settings that your camera supports. Attach your photos to your email. If you have a film camera, ask to have your photos placed on a CD when you have them printed and mail the CD with your form or article. You can also send the prints to the editor for scanning but the results may not be as good as an original digital image.

Email to the form or mail it to:

Bulletin Editor
643 Union St NE
Salem, OR 97301

Submit a Bulletin Story form.
Please complete, print and mail.

In Memoriam

Notify the OSG Bulletin of a member who has passed away. Complete the form and
Mail to Grange Bulletin, 643 Union St NE, Salem, OR 97301.

Bulletin In Memoriam form.
Please complete, print and mail. 

Moved or Not Receiving?

If you’ve moved, let us know; use the form to notify us.

Some members say that they never receive the Oregon State Grange Bulletin. Remember that the publication schedule is not every other month. The paper is usually printed on the 1st of the publication month. It can take as much as ten additional days for the paper to reach your mailbox.

But if you really are not receiving the Bulletin, it may be that we do not have your correct or full address. Send it to the State Grange office by email or call 503-316-0106 between 8 am and 4:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.

Address Change form.
Please complete, print and mail.

Letters to the Editor Policy

General guidelines

  • The maximum length of a Letter to the Editor is 250 words.
  • Letters to the Editor may be edited for length and clarity.
  • The Bulletin will only print letters that address a specific topic or article.
  • Must contain name and Grange

We will not print material that is:

  • Potentially libelous or contains derogatory comments towards a Brother or Sister
  • Partisan political subjects
  • Discriminatory on any grounds
  • Obscene
  • Threatening
  • Copyrighted
  • Promotional

Publication Schedule


Publication Date

Article Deadline

Focus of Issue


February 1

January 10

Color issue – center section – pictures and articles that showcase a wide variety of Grange activities
Order copies for your Grange month event


April 1

March 10

State Convention info; host district Granges


June 1

May 10

Convention schedule; election results even years


August 1

July 10

Color issue: convention highlights and adopted resolutions


October 1

September 10

Grange participation in fairs and holiday celebrations


December 1

November 10

National Grange recap
OSG Grants awarded, updates on previous year’s grant recipients

Special State Officer Election Issue

Officer Statements for Election